为您介绍和您一起度过的CHL KOREA的足迹

- 03.入驻现代iezwel(D.RECIPE)
- 获得创新型中小型企业(主业务)称号
- 02.签订SANDIS卫生巾美国出口OEM合作协定

- 12.与以色列卫生棉条制造商签订生产合作伙伴关系和技术合作
- 11.与海外安心裤制造商签订生产合作及技术合作
- 获得英国UK vegan society认证
- 10.MY BOX SHOP美国女性护理用品OEM出口
- unimed制药眼部护理湿巾2种OEM
- 09.签署360 PERSPECTIVE mongdies卸防晒湿巾OEM
- NO SAP卫生巾合作协定
- The First Touch Liberty有机棉护垫OEM
- 08.JS Global(原辰) 黄金面膜合作
- 07.SD生命工学卫生巾OEM
- 双龙C&B ornic fino SKU
- 06.入驻LOHB's药妆店
- 开发并投产RAEL亚马逊出口用护垫新型吸收层
- 04.入驻JAJU
- 03.中国恒安集团面膜OEM
- 01.京东执照防疫、防黄沙口罩OEM

- 10.Organi Button(株)有机棉卫生巾OEM
- 广东制药维他500口罩OEM
- Tieut女性护理湿巾OEM
- 09.Buyorganic(株)Leciel有机棉卫生巾&护垫OEM
- 08.GP Club Gangblylife护垫OEM
- 07.[越南出口] Vin Mart护垫PB OEM
- 06.NUSKIN如新韩国(株)有机棉卫生巾OEM
- 05.舒日秘策三重深层补水面膜上市
- 04.CHLKOREA总部迁址(首尔江南区紫谷路)
- 舒日秘策卸妆清洁垫上市
- 舒日秘策茶树女性泡沫清洁剂上市
- 02.生活工作室(株)有机棉卫生巾OEM
- 01.舒日秘策有机棉卫生巾上市
- primeora(株)可冲散女性护理湿巾OEM

- 08.Established Yong-in Central Research Institute
- Launch HUE KF80, KF94 Smog/Infection Prevention Mask
- Launch Volcanic Ash Covered Cotton Pad
- 07.Launch Cottonday Wet tissue premium 80
- Launch Cottonday Cotton kitchen towel
- 05.Supply OEM of KF94 Smog/Infection Prevention Mask(noroopaint)
- 03.Introducing Women's Chosun Magazine Cortonday Product
- [Cottonday] Launch a cotton baby Handkerchief
- [Cottonday] Launch HANA 3-layers Yellow dust/Prevention mask(for adults and children)
- [Cottonday] Launch Dual Option Static Wipe
- 01.CHL KOREA CO.,LTD. change CEO
- [Cottonday] Enter SSG E-mart/Shinsegaemall

<Kim Saeng min’s biz-information show>
- Cottonday <2017 Hi-Seoul Brand Awards> selected
- 11.Starts [The Day Recipe] Open Facebook
- 07.Registered as 1st class product of FDA medical device
- 06.stores of Lotte Mart (23stores)
- COTTONDAY entered Small and Medium industry MYONGPUM MARU store (Seoul Train station)
- [The Day Recipe] Launch Aromatherapy mask pack 5 series
- [The Day Recipe] Launch Sanitary Pad
- [COTTONDAY] Acquire KF 94 certification of Smog/Infection
- Enter CJ O shopping
- 04.RAEL Panty liner Export to USA
- Entered Daebo Group/Haekyeong Industry resting place
- Japan Daiwabo bleached cotton export
- New Skin protect Mask pack appeared in
<美완성 프로젝트 뷰티끄> Dong-A TV
- 02.[The Day Recipe] Launch Panty liner
- [The Day Recipe] Launch Female cleansing wipes
- [COTTONDAY] Launch KF 80 Smog/Infection Prevention Mask (Black)
- Starts sales at Wemakeprice
- 01.Cottonday products at Flagship stores of JUNO Hair(Gangnam, Bundang)

- 12.Starts [COTTONDAY] Open Instagram, Facebook, Blog
- [COTTONDAY] Launch KF 80 Smog/Infection Prevention Mask 3items (White, Blue, Pink)
- [COTTONDAY] Launch Hanwha 63 Galleria duty shop
- 11.[COTTONDAY] Starts sales at Coupang rocket delivery
- 10.Supply ODM KF 80 Smog/Infection Prevention Mask
- [코튼데이] 황사마스크 KF80 인허가 승인
- [COTTONDAY] Launch duty shop of Muan international airport
- Supply ODM of Female cleansing wipes
- [COTTONDAY] Export to Taiwan
- 09.[COTTONDAY] Export New skin protect ample mask pack 6 series to China
- 10.[The Day Recipe] Lunch organic cotton panty liner
Open first directly managed shop "COTTONDAY"
[COTTONDAY] Lunch No wash type Cleansing tissue,
Hand cleanser wet tissue
[COTTONDAY] Lunch 2 Type of No toner waste cotton puff
[The Day Receipe]
Lunch Aroma therapy tea tree cleansing wipes
[The Day Receipe] Lunch 2 type of Aroma therapy mask pack
OEM supply cotton pantyliner
OEM supply
facial maskpack sheet to Korea famous brand shop
Establishment of CHL KOREA Corporation